- Što je ugriz cipele?
- Što uzrokuje ugrize cipela?
- Prirodni načini liječenja ugriza cipela kod kuće
- 1. Aloe Vera
- Trebat će vam
- Što morate učiniti
- Koliko često biste to trebali raditi
- 2. Maslinovo ulje
- Trebat će vam
- Što morate učiniti
- Koliko često biste to trebali raditi
- 3. Pasta za zube
- Trebat će vam
- Što morate učiniti
- Koliko često biste to trebali raditi
- 4. Dušo
- Trebat će vam
- What You Have To Do
- How Often Should You Do This
- 5. Coconut Oil And Camphor
- You Will Need
- What You Have To Do
- How Often Should You Do This
- 6. Neem And Turmeric
- You Will Need
- What You Have To Do
- How Often Should You Do This
- 7. Petroleum Jelly
- You Will Need
- What You Have To Do
- How Often Should You Do This
- How Can I Prevent Shoe Bites?
- Expert’s Answers For Readers’ Questions
- 10 izvora
Kupili ste onaj savršeni par potpetica za noćnu vezu sa svojom značajnom drugom. No, bojite li se nositi ih zbog straha od ugriza cipela? Ne brinite, svi smo bili tamo i znamo koliko to može biti razočaravajuće.
Što radite u takvoj situaciji? Pa, složili smo nekoliko provjerenih lijekova koji mogu pomoći u liječenju ugriza cipela. Nastavi čitati.
Što je ugriz cipele?
Ugriz cipele je trošenje kože dok se cipela trlja o vaša stopala. Ovo trenje dovodi do žuljeva i oteklina na stopalima. To je češće kod uskih ili neprikladnih cipela.
Ugrizi cipela mogu biti izuzetno neugodni i uzrokovati bol. Često više bole kada ustanete ili prošetate.
Obično se javljaju iza gležnjeva ili blizu nožnih prstiju. Izgledaju poput osipa ili žuljeva. Ponekad ti žuljevi mogu biti ispunjeni gnojem.
Što uzrokuje ugrize cipela?
Neprikladne cipele primarni su uzrok ugriza cipela. Općenito, ljudi obično kupuju cipele bez da pravilno uzimaju u obzir dimenzije stopala. To može dovesti do trljanja stopala o cipele. To zauzvrat dovodi do oteklina, žuljeva i ožiljaka na nogama.
Ponekad znoj s nogu također može uzrokovati trljanje cipela o kožu, uzrokujući ugrize cipela.
Žene su osjetljivije na ugrize cipela od muškaraca jer obično nose uske i uske cipele koje mogu ostaviti žuljeve i ožiljke na nogama.
Prva mjera koju možete poduzeti za zacjeljivanje ugriza cipele je izbjegavanje nošenja cipela koja je uzrokuje. Također možete koristiti određene kućne lijekove za ublažavanje boli.
Prirodni načini liječenja ugriza cipela kod kuće
1. Aloe Vera
Nekoliko je studija pokazalo da aloe vera ima protuupalna i ljekovita svojstva (1). To vam može pomoći smanjiti žuljeve na nogama. Aloe vera sadrži glukomanan koji može pomoći u bržem zacjeljivanju.
Trebat će vam
½ žličica gela od aloe vere
Što morate učiniti
- Obilno nanesite gel aloe vere na zahvaćeno područje.
- Ostavite da djeluje neko vrijeme prije nego što ga isperete običnom vodom.
Koliko često biste to trebali raditi
Ovaj lijek možete ponoviti dva puta dnevno.
2. Maslinovo ulje
Bioaktivni spojevi u maslinovom ulju pokazuju protuupalna svojstva (2). Ova svojstva mogu pomoći u smanjenju upale oko ugriza cipele.
Trebat će vam
- 2-3 kapi maslinovog ulja
- 1-2 kapi bademovog ulja (kao nosač ulja)
Što morate učiniti
- Pomiješajte dvije do tri kapi maslinovog ulja s jednom do dvije kapi bademovog ulja.
- Obilno ga nanesite na zahvaćeno područje.
Koliko često biste to trebali raditi
Ponavljajte ovaj lijek dva puta dnevno dok se upala ne smanji.
3. Pasta za zube
Pasta za zube sadrži mentol, važnu komponentu koja djeluje kao analgetik i smanjuje bol uzrokovanu ugrizom cipele (3).
Trebat će vam
- ½ žličica paste za zube
- Čista pamučna podloga
Što morate učiniti
- Na čistu pamučnu podlogu uzmite pola žličice paste za zube.
- Nanesite ovo na ugriz cipele i ostavite ga dok se ne osuši.
- Temeljito isprati vodom.
Koliko često biste to trebali raditi
Ovaj lijek možete koristiti jedan do dva puta dnevno.
4. Dušo
Med pokazuje protuupalna i antibakterijska svojstva koja pomažu smanjiti upalu oko ugriza cipele. Ova svojstva također sprječavaju daljnju infekciju (4).
Trebat će vam
- A sterile cotton ball or gauze
- 1 tablespoon of honey
What You Have To Do
- Take a sterile cotton ball and dab it in a tablespoon of honey.
- Place this on the affected site.
How Often Should You Do This
Repeat 3-4 times daily.
5. Coconut Oil And Camphor
Coconut oil exhibits anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties (5). The lauric acid in coconut oil possesses antimicrobial properties (6). Camphor has been used in traditional medicine for its anti-inflammatory properties (7). Together, they can help in alleviating swelling in the affected foot and prevent further infection.
You Will Need
- 1 tablespoon of virgin coconut oil
- 1 teaspoon of camphor
What You Have To Do
- Mix a tablespoon of coconut oil and a teaspoon of camphor.
- Dab a cotton ball with this mixture and apply to the affected area.
How Often Should You Do This
You can do this two times daily.
6. Neem And Turmeric
The active compounds in neem leaves and turmeric (curcumin) can help reduce inflammation and infection. This is due to their anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties (8), (9).
You Will Need
- 1 teaspoon of turmeric powder
- A handful of neem leaves
- A few drops of water
What You Have To Do
- Blend all the ingredients to form a thick paste.
- Apply this paste to the shoe bite.
- Leave it on until it dries and rinse off with water.
How Often Should You Do This
Do this two times daily.
7. Petroleum Jelly
Petroleum jelly is moisturizing. It is also known as petrolatum, and it exhibits antimicrobial properties that promote healing (10).
You Will Need
A tablespoon of petroleum jelly
What You Have To Do
- Apply petroleum jelly to the shoe bite.
- You can cover the area with socks and leave it on overnight.
- You can also apply some jelly onto the sides of your shoes for a few days consecutively to soften the edges.
How Often Should You Do This
You can repeat this until your shoe bite is healed.
Treating shoe bites is that simple, and these remedies can give you the much-needed relief. But preventing shoe bites is always better, right?
How Can I Prevent Shoe Bites?
As we have already discussed, ill-fitting shoes are the primary cause of shoe bites. Here are a few ways you can prevent a shoe bite:
- Always try the shoes on before purchasing them. This will give you a better idea of how well they fit.
- Rub some oil along the sides of the shoes. Do this for a couple of days before you can wear them. This will help soften the edges and prevent shoe bites.
- You can use adhesive pads on your shoes. These pads go inside your shoe and stick where the back of your ankle would be.
- You could also use toe protectors. These are similar to the adhesive shoe protectors but are applied on the front end of your shoes. These can prevent blisters on your toes.
- Wear socks or pads with your shoes to prevent excessive skin abrasion.
Say goodbye to all the worries that tag along when you are out shopping for the perfect shoe!
How do you manage shoe bites? Any tips you would like to share? Post your ideas in the comments box below.
Expert’s Answers For Readers’ Questions
Why do new shoes hurt?
New shoes could hurt if they do not fit you well. Also, the material of new shoes is rather stiff until the shoes are used well. So, to soften the edges, you can apply some oil for a couple of days before wearing them.
Can a particular type of footwear give me shoe bites?
Zatvorene cipele poput tenisica, trbuha, pumpi ili oksforda mogu uzrokovati ugrize cipela jer bi se mogle trljati o vašu kožu.
10 izvora
Stylecraze ima stroge smjernice za izvor i oslanja se na recenzirane studije, akademske istraživačke institucije i medicinska udruženja. Izbjegavamo koristiti tercijarne reference. Možete pročitati više o tome kako osiguravamo da je naš sadržaj točan i aktualan čitajući našu uredničku politiku.- “ALOE VERA: KRATKI PREGLED” Indijski časopis za dermatologiju, Američka nacionalna medicinska knjižnica, Nacionalni institut za zdravlje.
- Anti-Inflammatory and Skin Barrier Repair Effects of Topical Application of Some Plant Oils, International Journal of Molecular Sciences, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.
- Acute Effect of Topical Menthol on Chronic Pain in Slaughterhouse Workers with Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: Triple-Blind, Randomized Placebo-Controlled Trial, Rehabilitation Research and Practice, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.
- Honey as a Complementary Medicine, Integrative Medicine Insights, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.
- Anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and antipyretic activities of virgin coconut oil. Pharmaceutical Biology, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.
- The Properties of Lauric Acid and Their Significance in Coconut Oil, Journal of the American Oil Chemists’ Society, Springer.
- Camphor (Cinnamomum camphora), a traditional remedy with the history of treating several diseases, International Journal of Case Reports and Images, ResearchGate.
- Curcumin: A Review of Its’ Effects on Human Health, MDPI, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.
- Therapeutics Role of Azadirachta indica (Neem) and Their Active Constituents in Diseases Prevention and Treatment, Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.
- 10. Petrolatum: Barrier repair and antimicrobial responses underlying this “inert” moisturizer. The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.