- Kako napraviti kokosovo mlijeko
- Prednosti kokosovog mlijeka za kosu
- Tretmani kokosovim mlijekom za rast kose
- 1. Kokosovo mlijeko za rast kose
- Postupak
- 2. Kokosovo mlijeko i sok od limuna
- Trebat će vam
- Vrijeme pripreme
- vrijeme procesiranja
- 3. Kokosovo mlijeko i med za duboko kondicioniranje
- Process
- 4. Coconut Milk And Olive Oil
- Process
- 5. Coconut Milk And Aloe Vera
- Process
- 6. Coconut Milk, Camphor And Yogurt For Hair Growth
- Process
- 7. Coconut Milk And Fenugreek
- Process
- 8. Coconut Milk And Gram Flour
- Process
- 9. Coconut Milk And Egg
- Process
- Side Effects Of Coconut Milk
- Zaključak
- 15 izvora
Neprestane priče o čudesnom kokosovom ulju poznate su po cijelom svijetu. Ali jeste li znali da kokosovo mlijeko ima bezbroj dobrobiti za vašu kosu? Kokosovo mlijeko jedan je od najboljih sastojaka za zdravu kosu. Sadrži masti, proteine, natrij, željezo, kalcij, fosfor i kalij (1). Sadrži hranjive sastojke poput vitamina B 12 i cinka, koji poboljšavaju cirkulaciju krvi vašeg vlasišta. Sadrži i vitamin E i masti koje se bore protiv oštećenja slobodnih radikala i duboko uvjetuju vašu kosu (2). Kokosovo mlijeko dobra je veganska alternativa za ljude koji ne žele koristiti mliječne proizvode
U ovom smo članku nabrojali 9 tretmana kose s kokosovim mlijekom koji pomažu u rastu kose. Pomaknite se prema dolje za više informacija.
Kako napraviti kokosovo mlijeko
Iako je kokosovo mlijeko lako dostupno u konzerviranim i prašnatim oblicima, studije su pokazale da se hlapljive materije u kokosovom mlijeku mijenjaju prekovremeno (3). Stoga se odlučite za domaće kokosovo mlijeko.
Za razliku od kokosove vode, kokosovo mlijeko ekstrahira se iz mesa zrelih kokosovih oraha. Postupak ekstrakcije je jednostavan i može se izvršiti slijedeći ove jednostavne korake.
- Svježi kokos sitno naribajte.
- Iscijedite sve mlijeko pomoću gaze ili muslina.
- Zagrijte tavu i u nju ulijte mlijeko. Pustite da se kuha 5 minuta. Ostavite da se ohladi.
- Zamrznite ga na jednu noć.
Ovo kokosovo mlijeko možete koristiti sljedeći dan u bilo kojem od kasnije navedenih tretmana za njegu kose.
Prednosti kokosovog mlijeka za kosu
- Kokosovo mlijeko nije mlijeko; to je tekućina izvađena iz mesa kokosa, koja je bogata hranjivim sastojcima. Sadrži laurinsku kiselinu, vitamin B12, željezo, cink, proteine, magnezij, vitamin C, fosfor i kalij (4). Studije su pokazale da nedostatak mikrohranjivih tvari, poput vitamina i minerala, može dovesti do gubitka kose (2).
- Studija je pokazala da kokos i / ili njegovi ekstrakti mogu pomoći u smanjenju oštećenja kose i podmlađivanju osušenih završetaka kose (5).
- Kokos i njegovi ekstrakti također mogu pomoći u smanjenju gubitka kose, ćelavosti i peruti (5).
- Kokosovo ulje, koje se ekstrahira iz kokosovog mlijeka, prodire u osovinu kose i nadopunjava je iznutra (6).
- Ista je studija pokazala da ekstrakti kokosovog mlijeka mogu smanjiti gubitak proteina i spriječiti oštećenje kose od UV zraka (6).
- Također je utvrđeno da pomaže u poboljšanju boje u prirodnim pigmentima za kosu i može se koristiti za njegu kose (5).
- Odgovara svim tipovima kose, u rasponu od pribadače do ravne do kovrčava kovrčava kosa od 4C. Hrani vašu kosu i pomaže rast kose.
Sad kad ste svjesni blagodati, pogledajmo različite načine na koje kokosovo mlijeko možete koristiti za rast kose.
Tretmani kokosovim mlijekom za rast kose
1. Kokosovo mlijeko za rast kose
Ovaj tretman kose s kokosovim mlijekom prodrijet će kroz vaše vlasište i kožicu kako bi nahranio i održavao folikule i dlačice. Dodatna vlaga i hrana pojačat će produktivnost vaših folikula, a istovremeno poboljšati teksturu i zdravlje kose.
Trebat će vam
- 1/4 šalice kokosovog mlijeka
- Kapa za tuširanje
Vrijeme pripreme
2 minute
vrijeme procesiranja
1 sat
- Zagrijte ¼ šalice kokosovog mlijeka u luku dok je malo topao.
- Masirajte mlijeko na tjeme 15 minuta.
- Nakon što je vaše vlasište prekriveno, prođite kroz kosu od korijena do vrhova.
- Ostavite da djeluje dodatnih 45 minuta.
- Pokrijte kosu kapom za tuširanje kako biste izbjegli nered.
- Operite kosu redovitim šamponom.
- Ponavljajte to jednom tjedno.
2. Kokosovo mlijeko i sok od limuna
Limunov sok bogat je vitaminom C. Hranjenje vlasišta vitaminom C može potaknuti rast kose i smanjiti gubitak kose (2).
Trebat će vam
- 4 žlice kokosovog mlijeka
- 2 žličice limunovog soka
- Kapa za tuširanje
Vrijeme pripreme
4 sata
vrijeme procesiranja
45 minuta
- Pomiješajte kokosovo mlijeko i limunov sok u posudi i stavite u hladnjak na 4 sata.
- Za to vrijeme kokosovo mlijeko će se malo usukati. Nanesite ovu uvijenu smjesu na vlasište i kosu.
- Ostavite da djeluje 45 minuta.
- Pokrijte kosu kapom za tuširanje kako biste izbjegli nered.
- Isperite smjesu redovitim šamponom.
- Ponavljajte to jednom tjedno.
3. Kokosovo mlijeko i med za duboko kondicioniranje
Honey has antibacterial, antifungal, and antiviral properties.It is also an excellent emollient that helps seal in moisture and conditions your hair(7). Honey also has healing properties, which can heal scalp wounds and burns. When used in combination with coconut milk, it amplifies the milk’s positive effects on your hair by sealing in moisture and nutrients.
You Will Need
- 4 tablespoons coconut milk
- 2 teaspoons honey
- A shower cap
Prep Time
2 minutes
Processing Time
1-2 hours
- Combine four tablespoons of coconut milk and two tablespoons of honey in a bowl to make a smooth mixture.
- Massage the mixture onto your scalp and work it through your hair from the roots to the tips.
- Cover your hair with a shower cap and leave it on for an hour or two.
- Wash your hair with a regular shampoo.
- Repeat this once a week.
4. Coconut Milk And Olive Oil
Thisdeep conditioning hair pack will make your hair super soft and manageable. The added heat from warming up the mixture will allow for maximum penetration of essential nutrients into the hair shafts and follicles(5). Olive oil contains oleuropein that was found to induce hair growth in mice studies (8). It also conditions your hair and makes it soft.
You Will Need
- 4 tablespoons coconut milk
- 1 tablespoon olive oil
- 1 tablespoon honey
- A shower cap
Prep Time
5 minutes
Processing Time
1 hour
- Combine four tablespoons of coconut milk, one tablespoon of olive oil, and honey each.
- Heat the mixture for 2 minutes.
- Massage the slightly warm mixture onto your scalp and then work it through the entire length of your hair.
- Leave the mixture on for an hour and cover your hair with a shower cap to avoid a mess.
- Rinse out the mixture with your regular shampoo and finish with conditioner.
- Repeat this once a week.
5. Coconut Milk And Aloe Vera
Studies have shown that bothtulsi and aloe vera prevent hair loss and boost hair growth(9), (10). They also help maintain scalp health by dealing with issues like dandruff and irritation.
You Will Need
- 3 tablespoons coconut milk
- 1 tablespoon aloe vera gel
- A bunch of tulsi (holy basil) leaves
- A shower cap
Prep Time
5 minutes
Processing Time
30 minutes
- Blend three tablespoons of coconut milk, one tablespoon of aloe vera, and a handful of basil (tulsi) leaves to a thick, smooth paste.
- Massage this paste onto your scalp and work it through your hair from the roots to the tips.
- Leave it on for 30 minutes.
- Cover your hair with a shower cap to avoid a mess.
- Rinse out the paste with lukewarm water.
- Repeat this once or twice a week.
6. Coconut Milk, Camphor And Yogurt For Hair Growth
Camphor can help reduce hair loss. When used with coconut extracts and massaged onto the hair, it can help treat dandruff, head lice, and an itchy scalp (11). Yogurt is rich in probiotics. An animal study showed that probiotic bacteria could help grow shinier hair (12).
You Will Need
- 5 tablespoons coconut milk
- 1 tablespoon yogurt
- 1/4 teaspoon crushed camphor
- A shower cap
Prep Time
2 minutes
Processing Time
1-2 hours
- Combine five tablespoons of coconut milk, one tablespoon of yogurt, ¼ teaspoon of crushed camphor to form a smooth mixture.
- Massage the mixture onto your scalp and work it through your hair from the roots to the tips.
- Cover your hair with a shower cap and leave it on for an hour or two.
- Wash your hair with your regular shampoo.
- Repeat this once a week.
7. Coconut Milk And Fenugreek
Fenugreek is a popular hair care ingredient. It is rich in protein and helps reduce hair thinning, balding, and hair fall. It also contains lecithin, which strengthens and moisturizes the hair (13). Animal studies show that fenugreek extracts can boost hair growth (14). It may also help reduce dandruff.
You Will Need
- 2 tablespoons fenugreek seed powder
- 2 tablespoons coconut milk
Prep Time
5 minutes
Processing Time
30 minutes
- Combine two tablespoons each of coconut milk and fenugreek seed powder to get a smooth paste.
- Rub this mixture gently on your scalp and let it sit for 30 minutes.
- Wash your hair with your regular shampoo and finish with a conditioner.
- Repeat once or twice a week.
8. Coconut Milk And Gram Flour
Gram flour or besan is an excellent cleansing agent. Anecdotal evidence suggests that gram flour adds shine to the hair while keeping the scalp clean and fresh. It helps remove impurities from your scalp and hair, allowing unhindered hair growth.
You Will Need
- 1/2 cup coconut milk
- Juice from half a lemon
- 1/2 cup gram flour
Prep Time
5 minutes
Processing Time
15 minutes
- Whisk half a cup of coconut milk, the juice from half a lemon, and half a cup of gram flour to get a smooth mixture. The mixture should have a thick consistency, but in case it is too thick, add more coconut milk.
- Rinse your hair and, while it is still damp, apply the paste through your hair from the roots to the tips.
- Massage your scalp and leave on the paste for 15 minutes.
- Rinse out the mixture from your hair with lukewarm water.
- Repeat this once a week.
9. Coconut Milk And Egg
Eggs are loaded with proteins that help nourish your scalp and hair to boost healthy hair growth (15). This egg white hair mask is effective,especially for oily and combination hair types.
You Will Need
- 1 egg white
- 5 tablespoons coconut milk
- 1 teaspoon vitamin E oil
- A shower cap
Prep Time
5 minutes
Processing Time
20 minutes
- Use an electric beater to whisk the white of one egg until it is fluffy.
- Add five tablespoons of coconut milk and whisk again.
- Add one teaspoon of vitamin E oil to the mixture.
- Apply this mask to your scalp and hair.
- Cover your hair with a shower cap and let the mixture sit for 20 minutes.
- Wash off with your regular shampoo and cool water. Avoid warm water to prevent ‘cooking’ the egg.
- Repeat once a week.
Side Effects Of Coconut Milk
Nije provedeno puno istraživanja o rizicima topičke primjene kokosovog mlijeka. Međutim, prevelika konzumacija kokosovog mlijeka može dovesti do alergija, debljanja i zatvora.
Sad kad znate koristiti kokosovo mlijeko na kosi, što čekate? Odgajati kosu više nije teško, pogotovo kada imate kokosovo mlijeko koje će vam pomoći u procesu. Međutim, ako vam opada kosa i dalje, obratite se liječniku da biste riješili problem.
15 izvora
Stylecraze ima stroge smjernice za izvor i oslanja se na recenzirane studije, akademske istraživačke institucije i medicinska udruženja. Izbjegavamo koristiti tercijarne reference. Možete pročitati više o tome kako osiguravamo da je naš sadržaj točan i aktualan čitajući našu uredničku politiku.- Nuts, coconut milk, raw (liquid expressed from grated meat and water), Food Data Central, USDA.
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