- Prirodni načini za povećanje rasta i debljine kose
- 1. Kokosovo ulje
- 2. Ogrozd
- 3. Jogurt
- 4. Fenugreek
- 5. Sok od luka
- 6. kineski hibiskus
- 7. Zeleni čaj
- 8. Ulje ružmarina
- 9. Ulje pelargonije
- 10. Ginseng
- 11. Fish Oil
- 12. Coffee
- Diet That Promotes Hair Growth
- Medical Treatment Options
- How Can I Prevent Hair Fall?
- Factors That Affect Hair Growth
- Expert’s Answers for Readers Questions
- 19 izvora
Opadanje kose i stanjivanje kose česta su pitanja danas. Suvremeni način života, izloženost zagađenju i uporaba kemijskih proizvoda pogoršavaju kvalitetu kose i dovode do opadanja kose. U ovom smo članku popisali 12 prirodnih lijekova koji mogu smanjiti štetu na vašoj kosi i smanjiti njezino opadanje.
Prirodni načini za povećanje rasta i debljine kose
1. Kokosovo ulje
Kokosovo ulje ima sposobnost smanjenja gubitka proteina s oštećene kose (1). Kokosovo ulje može prodrijeti u osovinu kose i smanjiti gubitak kose. Ovo svojstvo kokosovog ulja može pomoći u smanjivanju učinka oštrih kemijskih proizvoda.
Što možete učiniti: Uzmite 2 žlice kokosovog ulja na dlan i umasirajte ga u vlasište. Možete ga ostaviti da djeluje oko sat vremena, a zatim ga temeljito isprati blagim sredstvom za čišćenje ili šamponom. Činite to najmanje dva puta tjedno.
2. Ogrozd
Utvrđeno je da amla ili ogrozd imaju proliferativni učinak na stanice dermalnih papila (DPC) folikula dlake. Dakle, ogrozd bi mogao potaknuti rast kose produljivanjem anagene faze (faze aktivnog rasta) ciklusa rasta dlake (2).
Što možete učiniti: Uzmite malo amla ulja u dlanove i umasirajte ga u vlasište. Možete ga ostaviti na tjemenu sat vremena (ili više), a zatim ga temeljito isprati. Činite to dva puta tjedno.
3. Jogurt
Jogurt je bogat izvor probiotika i može olakšati snažan rast kose i spriječiti oštećenje kose. Istraživanje provedeno na miševima pokazalo je da povećava broj subkutikularnih folikula, što daje bujnije krzno (3). Stoga to također može pomoći u jačanju rasta kose kod ljudi.
Što možete učiniti: Jedite jednom dnevno porciju jogurta.
4. Fenugreek
Piskavica sadrži bioaktivne spojeve koji mogu pospješiti rast zdrave kose. Istraživanje na štakorima pokazalo je da piskavica može značajno smanjiti gubitak kose i potaknuti rast nove kose (4). Ne slijedite ovaj kućni lijek ako ste alergični na mahunarke poput kikirikija, zelenog graška ili soje. Možda ste alergični na sjemenke piskavice, kao što i sve pripadaju obitelji Fabaceae.
Što možete učiniti: Namočite četvrtinu šalice sjemenki piskavice u vodi preko noći. Sjeme sameljite u pastu i nanesite ga kao masku za kosu. Ostavite da djeluje 30-45 minuta prije nego što ga isperete običnom vodom. Ovu rutinu možete slijediti jednom tjedno.
5. Sok od luka
Istraživači su otkrili da fitokemijski spojevi u soku od luka mogu pomoći u poticanju ponovnog rasta kose i da mogu biti učinkovit tretman za neujednačenu alopeciju areata (5).
Što možete učiniti: Izvucite sok od pola luka. Procijedite ga i nanesite na vlasište. Ostavite da djeluje sat vremena. Temeljito ga operite šamponom. Slijedite ovu rutinu dva puta tjedno.
6. kineski hibiskus
Utvrđeno je da ekstrakti lišća i cvijeta hibiskusa potiču rast dlake na štakorima (6). Dakle, oni mogu imati potencijal da preokrenu učinke prekomjernog opadanja kose kod ljudi.
Što možete učiniti: Sameljite nekoliko cvjetova hibiskusa i šaku lišća kako biste napravili pastu. Pomiješajte ga s kokosovim uljem. Nanesite ovu masku za kosu i ostavite da djeluje sat vremena. Operite ga šamponom. Činite to jednom tjedno.
7. Zeleni čaj
Zeleni čaj bogat je polifenolima koji mogu pomoći u promicanju rasta kose. Primijećeno je da bioaktivni spojevi u zelenom čaju mogu imati proliferativni učinak na stanice dermalnih papila i potencijalno smanjiti gubitak kose (7). Izbjegavajte piti zeleni čaj ako ne podnosite kofein ili uzimate stimulanse ili razrjeđivače krvi.
Što možete učiniti: Navlažite vrećicu zelenog čaja u šalicu kipuće vode i konzumirajte odvarak. Zeleni čaj možete piti 1-2 puta dnevno.
8. Ulje ružmarina
Prema istraživanju provedenom na miševima sa Sveučilišta Kinki, ulje ružmarina može pomoći u povećanju rasta dlake (8). To bi moglo biti pogodno za pojačavanje rasta dlačica i kod ljudi.
Što možete učiniti: Napravite flaster test da biste utvrdili jeste li alergični na ulje ružmarina. Pomiješajte nekoliko kapi ulja ružmarina s uljem nosačem. Nanesite ovu smjesu na vlasište i pustite da odstoji sat vremena prije nego što ga operete.
9. Ulje pelargonije
Dokazano je da ulje geranije potiče rast kose kod miševa proliferativnim učinkom na stanice dermalnih papila (9). Neki ljudi mogu imati alergijsku reakciju na ulje geranija, pa prije upotrebe napravite flaster.
What You Can Do: Take a few tablespoons of geranium oil and massage it into your scalp. Leave it on for about 60 minutes, then rinse it off with a mild shampoo. You can do this at least once a week.
10. Ginseng
Research shows that ginseng can have a proliferative effect on human hair follicles to promote hair growth (10). Some people may experience dizziness, nausea, or headaches upon using ginseng. It may also be a stimulant in some cases. Therefore, proceed with caution.
What You Can Do: Take a few tablespoons of ginseng oil and gently massage it into your scalp. Leave it on for about an hour. Rinse it off with a mild shampoo. You can do this at least twice a week.
11. Fish Oil
Fish oil is rich in omega-3 fatty acids that can promote the growth of hair. Fish oil supplements contain docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) that induces the growth of hair by exhibiting a proliferative effect on the dermal papilla cells in your scalp (11). This can reverse the impact of hair thinning and balding. Make sure you consult your dermatologist before taking fish oil supplements.
12. Coffee
Caffeine is a major component of coffee. Research shows that caffeine can promote the elongation of the hair shaft and stimulate hair growth by prolonging the anagen phase (12). This can reduce the balding and thinning of hair.
What You Can Do: Brew a cup of coffee and have it at least once a day. Do not consume excess coffee due to its high caffeine content.
As with any condition, a balanced diet goes a long way in ensuring that you are healthy and supplementing the right amount of nutrients to your body. Here are a few foods that you must eat to ensure healthy hair growth.
Diet That Promotes Hair Growth
- Consume fish rich in omega-3 fatty acids. A study conducted in France has found that supplementing your diet with omega-3 and 6 fatty acids can improve hair density and fight hair loss (13).
- Berries and other citrus fruits are rich in vitamin C. Studies suggest that such foods can promote hair growth (14).
- Green leafy vegetables like spinach contain nutrients that can aid hair growth (14).
- Nuts and seeds are packed with nutrients that can help control hair fall (14).
Medical Treatment Options
Here are a few medical treatment options you can consider to enhance hair growth:
- Minoxidil: This over-the-counter medication can be used by both men and women. You need to rub it into your scalp daily. However, it may cause an allergic reaction in some people (15).
- Finasteride: This is a medical treatment option, particularly for men. This pill is administered to men who have androgenic alopecia. It may, however, have some side effects, such as erectile dysfunction, lower sex drive, and gynecomastia (16).
How Can I Prevent Hair Fall?
- Following a strictly balanced diet with intake of foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids can help promote hair growth and prevent hair fall.
- Massage your scalp gently regularly to stimulate blood circulation, thereby strengthening hair roots and preventing hair fall.
- Staying hydrated is key to maintaining healthy hair. It nourishes the scalp and prevents flaking and itching.
Hair loss is an increasingly common problem that women all over the world face. A variety of factors contribute to the thinning of hair.
Factors That Affect Hair Growth
- As we grow older, the diameter of the hair and its thickness can decrease (17). This can make it seem like you have had a lot of hair fall over time.
- Another factor that can affect hair growth is prevailing ailment or illness that can lead to hair fall. Hormonal changes can also lead to hair fall in some men, subsequently causing male-pattern baldness (18).
Other factors, such as stress, trauma, and anxiety, may also contribute to hair loss as studies show that they can have an inhibitory effect on hair growth (19).
All these factors can cause your hair to fall and may eventually lead to balding. Inadequate rest, hormonal changes, and a diet deficient in nutrients can hamper the growth of healthy hair. It can also affect hair growth as these factors can reduce the supply of blood and oxygen to your scalp.
Since these are natural remedies, you must be patient and follow them diligently to get the best results. However, if you feel that your problem persists, seek medical help.
Expert’s Answers for Readers Questions
How can I regrow my thinning hair?
You can explore medical and natural treatment options. You could try any of the remedies mentioned above.
How do you grow dead hair follicles?
You can consume vitamin supplements like biotin and niacin to revive dead hair follicles and restore strength to damaged hair. You should also massage your scalp regularly.
Can your hair grow back while on chemotherapy?
Yes, your hair can grow back while on chemotherapy, but it may be of a different color and texture.
How does yoga help stimulate hair growth?
Yoga can help in dealing with hair fall. Some of the asanas you can practice are downward dog pose (Adho Mukha Svanasana), diamond pose (Vajrasana), camel pose (Ustrasana), headstand pose (Sirsana), etc. These asanas increase blood flow to the head and stimulate circulation in the scalp. This, in turn, can aid hair growth.
Can bleached hair grow long?
Products that bleach your hair can lead to hair damage and slow down the growth of hair.
Is hot oil treatment good for hair growth?
Yes, massaging using hot oil can increase the flow of blood to your scalp. It can also repair damaged hair.
Do split ends stop hair growth?
Podijeljeni vrhovi ne zaustavljaju rast vaše kose, ali mogu dovesti do povećanog lomljenja kose. Zbog toga se možete osjećati kao da vam kosa ne raste u dužinu.
19 izvora
Stylecraze ima stroge smjernice za izvor i oslanja se na recenzirane studije, akademske istraživačke institucije i medicinska udruženja. Izbjegavamo koristiti tercijarne reference. Čitajući našu uredničku politiku možete saznati više o tome kako osiguravamo da je naš sadržaj točan i aktualan.- Učinak mineralnog ulja, suncokretovog ulja i kokosovog ulja na prevenciju oštećenja kose, Američka nacionalna medicinska knjižnica, Nacionalni institut za zdravlje.
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- Therapeutic Potential of Murraya Koenigii (Curry Leaves) In Dyslipidemia: A Review, International Journal of Scientific Research & Management Studies, ResearchGate.
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- Sex Hormones and Hair Loss in Men From the General Population of Northeastern Germany, JAMA Dermatology, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.
- The burden of hair loss: stress and the underestimated psychosocial impact of telogen effluvium and androgenetic alopecia, The Journal of Investigative Dermatology, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.