- Sadržaj
- Što je estragon?
- Koje su prednosti estragona?
- 1. Svibanj promovira san
- 2. Liječi probavne smetnje
- 3. Može liječiti zubobolju
- 4. Regulira zdravlje menstruacije
- 5. Ublažava upalu i bol
- 6. Svibanj pomaže mršavljenju
- 3 Tasty Recipes With Tarragon
- 1. All-time Favorite Bearnaise Sauce
- What You Need
- Let’s Make It!
- 2. Tarragon-Mushroom Sauté
- What You Need
- Let’s Make It!
- 3. Grilled Tarragon Chicken
- What You Need
- Let’s Make It!
- In Conclusion…
- 7 izvora
Svaka kuhinja širom svijeta ima karakterističan okus i miris. Svaka kuhinja ima specifičan stil kuhanja i određene povrće i meso koje se koriste da bi se dobila posebna tekstura i okus. Ali ono što definira kuhinju je mješavina začina.
Primjerice, Francuzi u svojoj visokoj kuhinji koriste 'fino bilje' kako bi ručno izrađena jela dobila kremasti i blago biljni preokret. Ove biljke ne samo da jelima daju fantastičan okus, već imaju i izvrsnu ljekovitu vrijednost.
Jedna od takvih biljaka je estragon - jedno od najfinijih biljaka gurmanske francuske hrane. Poznat po svom gorko-slatkom okusu i brojnim zdravstvenim blagodatima, estragon je tu da ostane. Nastavite čitati kako biste saznali više o ovom dobroćudnom začinu.
- Što je estragon?
- Koje su prednosti estragona?
- 3 ukusna recepta s estragonom
Što je estragon?
Estragon ( Artemisia dracunculu s) aromatična je biljka koja pripada obitelji Asteraceae. Svježi i sušeni listovi i cvjetovi estragona koriste se za začinjavanje juha, krema, umaka i kruha. Također se dodaju u mješavine osnovnih začina.
Estragon ima izrazit gorko-slatki okus sličan korijenu anisa i sladića. Svježi estragon je najukusniji dok suho lišće i cvjetovi nemaju tu oštrinu i brzo gube svoj okus.
Kao kultura, estragon je porijeklom iz Sibira, ali sada se uzgaja u dijelovima Europe i Amerike. Dvije su uobičajene sorte ove biljke - francuska i ruska. Francuska sorta bogata je, mirisna i aromatična. Ruska varijanta ima malo okusa i mirisa.
Zbog svojih okusa, lišće francuskog estragona naširoko se koristi u kuhanju, dok ruski estragon ima ljekovitiju primjenu.
Kaže se da su Mongoli estragon koristili kao sredstvo za izazivanje sna, ublažavanje boli i antidijabetičko sredstvo. Biljka je bogata esencijalnim uljima, kumarinima i fenolnim kiselinama, što joj daje ove atribute.
Pogledajmo terapijski profil estragona. Pomaknite se prema dolje!
Natrag na TOC
Koje su prednosti estragona?
1. Svibanj promovira san
Nema puno istraživanja koja to podupiru. Međutim, povijesno je poznato da izbojci estragona posjeduju svojstva koja potiču spavanje. Svježe pripremljena šalica čaja od estragona može vam pomoći da se uspavate.
2. Liječi probavne smetnje
Estragon se koristi kao kulinarska biljka zbog svojih probavnih svojstava. Potiče izlučivanje probavnih sokova jetrom, gušteračom i želucem (1).
Također poboljšava cirkulaciju krvi u crijevima, što rezultira boljom apsorpcijom hranjivih sastojaka. Ova biljka također sadrži karotenoide i druge antioksidanse koji uklanjaju slobodne radikale, toksične međuprodukte i patogene u vašem GI traktu (2).
Konzumacija vodenih ekstrakata estragona može smanjiti čir na želucu, probavne smetnje, bakterijske infekcije i crijevne gliste (3).
3. Može liječiti zubobolju
Grci su žvakali ovu biljku da bi dobili olakšanje od bolnih desni i zubobolje. To bi moglo biti zato što estragon sadrži antimikrobne, antibakterijske i protuupalne fitokemikalije poput eugenola, luteina i kumarina.
Te fitokemikalije mogu liječiti desni koje krvare, gingivitis, čireve u usnoj šupljini, gljivične infekcije i zadah iz usta (halitoza).
Upravo zbog ovih fitokemikalija, žvakanje svježih listova estragona daje vam otupljujući i mentati okus.
4. Regulira zdravlje menstruacije
Drevna plemenska medicina Chippewa i Shuswap koristi lišće estragona i njegove ekstrakte u zdravlju žena.
Žvakanje ovog lišća i korijenja, dodavanje izbojaka u kuhanje i pijenje čaja od estragona mogu vam pomoći u ublažavanju menstrualnih grčeva i prekomjernog krvarenja.
Zbog svojstava koja potiču rad, estragon je izvrsno ginekološko pomagalo u ublažavanju porođaja i ostalih porodničkih komplikacija (4).
5. Ublažava upalu i bol
Etanolni ekstrakti estragona pokazali su antinociceptivni i protuupalni učinak na štakorima (5).
Ekstrakti lišća, izbojaka i nadzemnih dijelova ove biljke sadrže aktivne sastojke. Ti aktivni sastojci inhibiraju sintezu i djelovanje proupalnih spojeva poput prostaglandina, čimbenika nekroze, simpatomimetičkih amina i interleukina.
Za ovu antieksudativnu aktivnost odgovorni su spojevi poput estragola, terpineola, sabinena, metil eugenola, eskuletina, okimena, kapilarina i luteina. Stoga estragon i njegovi zračni dijelovi mogu učinkovito liječiti poremećaje poput artritisa, astme, stomatoloških problema, dijabetesa, GERB-a i UTI-a (4).
6. Svibanj pomaže mršavljenju
Visoka razina lipida i triglicerida u krvi može dovesti do mnogih kardiovaskularnih bolesti. Najjednostavniji način da se klonite ovih smrtonosnih poremećaja je smanjiti nakupljene lipide u tijelu i izgubiti nešto kilograma.
Tarragon exhibits hypolipidemic activity. It prevents the accumulation and peroxidation of the lipids absorbed from the food you eat.
Tarragon essential oil and fresh tarragon can help in losing the stacked piles of adipose tissue and reduce the chances of developing atherosclerosis, liver cirrhosis, pancreatitis, hypertension, and diabetes mellitus.
So, how do we put this French king of herbs to action?
The best way to make the most of this aromatic spice is to add it to your cooking. Other methods, like extracting its oil and drying it as a condiment, can be laborious and time-consuming.
This is why I’ve got some lip-smacking and healthy recipes lined up for you. Want to try them out?
Let’s get started!
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3 Tasty Recipes With Tarragon
1. All-time Favorite Bearnaise Sauce
What You Need
- Dry white wine: ¼ cup
- Rice vinegar: ¼ cup
- Shallots or green onions: 2 tablespoons, chopped
- Fresh tarragon: 1 teaspoon, chopped
- Black pepper: 1 teaspoon, ground
- Egg yolks: 6, large
- Hot water: 4 teaspoons
- Salt: 1 teaspoon
- Melted butter: 1 cup
- Double boiler
- Saucepan
- Mixing bowls
Let’s Make It!
- In a saucepan, add the white wine, vinegar, shallot, tarragon, and black pepper. Bring to a boil.
- Reduce the heat and simmer until the mixture has reduced to about ¼ cup. This takes around 5 to 10 minutes.
- Whisk the egg yolks, hot water, and salt together in a mixing bowl for 2 minutes.
- Pour the white wine mixture in the top section of a double boiler over simmering water.
- Whisk the egg yolk mixture into the wine mixture until they are well combined.
- Pour the melted butter into the mixture and whisk until the sauce is smooth and thick. This takes about 5 minutes.
This killer bearnaise sauce goes well with grilled chicken, dry veggie starters, and warm, freshly baked bread.
2. Tarragon-Mushroom Sauté
What You Need
- Butter: ⅓ cup
- Mushrooms: fresh, 3 (8 oz.) packets, sliced
- Onion: 2 tablespoons, chopped
- Dried tarragon: 2 teaspoons
- Ground nutmeg: 2 teaspoons
- Salt: ¼ teaspoon
- Black pepper: ¼ teaspoon, ground
- Parsley: ¼ cup, fresh, chopped
- Skillet: medium-large sized
Let’s Make It!
- In a large skillet, melt the butter over medium heat.
- Add the mushrooms, onion, tarragon, nutmeg, salt, and pepper to the skillet.
- Sauté until the mushrooms are tender, occasionally stirring for about 10 minutes.
- Stir in parsley and serve hot!
You can serve this quick and simple mushroom sauté as a side with creamy pasta or risotto, or gobble it down as such!
3. Grilled Tarragon Chicken
What You Need
- Dijon mustard: 2 tablespoons
- Garlic: 2 tablespoons, finely chopped
- Dried tarragon: 1 tablespoon
- Honey: 1 tablespoon
- Lemon juice: 1 tablespoon
- Chicken breast halves: 4, skinless
Let’s Make It!
- Preheat the grill at medium heat and lightly oil its grate.
- In a small mixing bowl, whisk the mustard, garlic, tarragon, honey, and lemon juice.
- Pat the chicken breasts dry with a paper towel. Coat one side of each breast with the freshly whisked mustard sauce.
- Place the chicken breasts, coated side down, on the grill.
- Coat the top of the chicken breasts with the remaining sauce and close the lid of the grill.
Note: You can wrap the chicken pieces in aluminum foil and grill them. This keeps the food moist, ensures it cooks evenly, and makes cleaning up easier.
- Turn the chicken over after 10 minutes to cook evenly.
- Cook the chicken breasts until the pinkish tinge in the center has disappeared and the juices run clear.
- This will take about 20 minutes.
- An instant-read thermometer inserted into the center should read at least 165°F (74°C).
- Take the chicken out of the grill and serve hot with flavored rice and sautéed veggies on the side.
Note: If you wish to store the chicken breasts for later, wrap them up in clean aluminum foil.
I tried making all the three recipes I shared here. Take my word, they are the most delicious dishes I’ve ever made in my kitchen.
Tarragon gives a burst of sweet, pungent, lingering flavor and fragrance to your food – like a mix of anise, cinnamon, basil, and licorice root.
For those of you who don’t like this flavor, try substituting it with dill, rosemary, or basil leaves. To replace dried tarragon, you can use anise seeds or fennel seeds (1 teaspoon of dried tarragon = 1 pinch of these seeds).
The only known side effect of tarragon with some research backing is allergies. An allergic reaction may occur due to cross-reactivity with pollens. One may react to fresh tarragon due to an allergy to a particular type of weed. The reaction may cause a localized itch in one’s mouth (6).
There is less research on the possible medical interactions with tarragon.
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In Conclusion…
Tarragon is a spice that holds a very special place in French cuisine, along with parsley, chervil, and chives. It has a long history of being used in traditional recipes and remedies.
It is believed that the Mongols were the ones to bring tarragon to Europe. They used tarragon to cure diarrhea, stomach ache, obstetric complications, and liver diseases.
Tarragon was used as a sleeping aid and breath freshener because its leaves have copious amounts of essential oils. These oils contain estragole, ocimene, pinene, and limonene – potent antioxidant and antimicrobial agents (7).
Its rich phytochemical profile makes tarragon an ideal herb to have in your kitchen garden as well as your medical supplies kit.
Do try adding tarragon to your signature dishes or brew a simple tea with its dried leaves and roots. If you are into aromatherapy, you can also use tarragon essential oils that are easily available in the market these days.
Nakon isprobavanja ovih opcija, ne zaboravite podijeliti svoja iskustva s nama. Molimo ostavite svoje prijedloge i povratne informacije u odjeljku za komentare u nastavku.
Isprobajte estragon i oprostite se od metaboličkih poremećaja!
7 izvora
Stylecraze ima stroge smjernice za izvor i oslanja se na recenzirane studije, akademske istraživačke institucije i medicinska udruženja. Izbjegavamo koristiti tercijarne reference. Čitajući našu uredničku politiku možete saznati više o tome kako osiguravamo da je naš sadržaj točan i aktualan.- Učinkovitost odabranih sastojaka hrane na omjer učinkovitosti proteina, glikemijski indeks i in vitro probavna svojstva, Journal of Food Science and Technology, Američka nacionalna medicinska knjižnica, Nacionalni institut za zdravlje.
- Himalayan Aromatic Medicinal Plants: A Review of their Ethnopharmacology, Volatile Phytochemistry, and Biological Activities, Medicines, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.
- Tarragon, Pennington Nutrition Series, Pennington Biomedical Research Center.
- Artemisia dracunculus L. (Tarragon): a critical review of its traditional use, chemical composition, pharmacology, and safety, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, Academia.
- Antinociceptive and anti-inflammatory effects of the aerial parts of Artemisia dracunculus in mice, Pharmaceutical Biology, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.
- CAN SPICES CAUSE ALLERGIC REACTIONS?, American Academy of Allergy Asthma & Immunology.
- Essential Oil Composition and Antigermination Activity of Artemisia dracunculus (Tarragon), Natural product communications, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.